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Infectious Disease

Infectious diseases come in a variety of forms such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, or even parasites. The first initial step if you think you have an infectious disease is accurate and timely diagnosis. With our quick and accurate lab work we can help you get the treatment you need. 

Lyme Diease

Lyme Disease is a bacterial infection cause by black legged tick bite. This test comes back as a positive or negative as it looks for antibodies in your blood stream that are used to fight off infections.

Rickettsia (RMSF) antibodies

​Rickettsia (RMSF) Antibodies with reflex to titers. This test involves checking IgG antigen and IgM titers to allow for a rapid diagnoses of infection by any spotted fever group of rickettsial agents. Included in these groups are Rocky Mountain Spider Fever and Rickettsial Pox both which are seen in the continental United States.

Epstein-Barr Virus

The EBV is the main cause of Mono also know as the kissing disease.

Tick Borne Disease

There is substantial clinical overlap among tick-borne diseases caused by Anaplasma, Babesia, Borrelia, and Ehrlichia. Some infections can progress to severe complications such as anemia, hepatitis and pneumonia.. More than one infectious agent may be transmitted by the same tick, and rates of co-infection are not well defined since clinicians may only suspect a single tick-borne disease etiology.


This test is similiar to a tapeworm test. Cysticercosis is a tissue infection with larval (cysticerci) cysts of the pork tapeworm T.solium in which the patient serves as an intermediate host for the parasite. The most common manifestation is neurocysticercosis which occurs when the larvae invade the central nervous system, often presenting as seizures, or chronic meningitis. Antibodies directed against other parasitic infections, particularly echinococcosis, may cross-react in the cysticercus IgG ELISA.

Ask us about our combined panels for a full health check up. 

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